

& Ephemera



Books & Fiction




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CONTACT ME - rotslermuseum at hotmail dot com

Material presented in association with the The Estate-Authorized Site William "Bill" Rotsler: A Celebration

SectionMATERIAL UPDATEDate added
ArtCorpus in Bronze25Jul2015
MagazinesShowcase V1N4 1961 Pictorial William Rotsler Kook With A Camera25Apr2013
MagazinesSir V286 July 1972 Article The Casting Couch is Real, Pictorial Sin Lenee" 20Apr2013
MagazinesKnight V10N16 Aug74 Frontier Floozie, The Bent Lance "My Peak Sexual Experience" 19Feb2013
LettersBirthday Party thank you letter to Kelly and Laura Freas27Jan2013
ArtDish and rock art - Ken and Aileen Forman Collection14Jan2013
MagazinesVideo-X and Adult Cinema. Rotsler and Traci Lords present XRCO Award23Dec2012
MagazinesModels: Vicky Dee : Debonair Vol. 3 No. 13 Dec. 196622Dec2012
MagazinesPix Vol. 1 No. 8 The Astro-Naughties22Dec2012
Art: SingleMailing Envelope Science Fiction 5 Yearly #1222Dec2012
MagazinesAll Man Feb68, Captivate V1N1, Modern Man Dec72 15Dec2012
MagazinesAdam Special Report #8 1971- Bill Rotsler Interview13Dec2012
Art: Single#1 Philisophical Answers Robot08Dec2012
MagazinesSir Knight April 62, Ace May 63, Millionaire Sep. + Dec. 1965, Knight Oct 70 05Dec2012
RemembrancesContributions by Earl Kemp. El Cajon, San Felipe and party invite04Dec2012
ArtStonewall - Pin from Rob Jackson Collection04Dec2012
ArtNewspaper article on Beverly Hilton fountain25Nov2012
LettersHand made greeting card25Nov2012
InterviewsEnterprise - An Interview With Bill Rotsler25Nov2012
InterviewsPsychotronic N.18 William Rotsler's Women by Bill Warren25Nov2012
LettersLetters and The Bent Lance from the Bill Bowers estate23Nov2012
ArtConvention Pins - Murray Moore collection23Nov2012
ArtWilliam Rotsler's Wire Sculpture Catalog22Nov2012
ArtConvention Pins - Kelly Freas, George Alec Effinger, Secret Master pin19Nov2012
ArtWilliam Rotsler art from Door Knob and King Biscuit Time18Nov2012
InterviewsVertex October 1974 Vertex Interviews William Rotsler02Nov2012