Wire Sculpture Catalog

Click to download PDF scan. Background text and scan courtesy of Robert Lichtman.

William Rotsler produced this wire sculpture catalog in
1952.  It was targeted at dealers to whom he was trying to
sell his work.  Wire sculpture was quite trendy for atomic
age home interior decor, and Bill wasn't the only artist
involved in its creation.  In Masque #7 (February 1953) he
writes about it:  "In the last three years I've had a
lower-case checkered career.  I quit the dear old ranch of
my ancestors and became an aircraft worker.  After a few
weeks I decided that was for the birds and gained enough
confidence in myself as a business man and as a wire
sculptor to rely on that as my sole source of income.  And
that's when I've been doing for lo! these past two years or
more.  I don't make much money -- only about 50-60 dollars
a week but I only work about two weeks a month, when I want
and at something I like very much."